
Podcast Power Up Package

Podcast listenership has more than doubled over the past five years. Plus a show can extend influence beyond a brand’s typical reach, make for a consumer-friendly medium, and offer a low-cost investment.

You have an opportunity to get in early — as only 15% of brands podcast. Let an award-winning podcast team help you package, launch and produce your show.

Podcast Package (10 Episodes) Includes*

  • Define podcast show format and topics, develop outline and identify creative (e.g. music)
  • Create brand identity, including show logo and two social media templates
  • Set up show and distribution to up to five podcast platforms (e.g. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher)
  • Set up podcast studio (basic) or provide studio access
  • Record, produce and publish 10 episodes
  • Report on monthly analytics (duration of initial 10 episodes)

Get the limited-offer 10-episode podcast season starting at $3,950 (that’s more than 40% off).

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*Music, hardware, or software requiring purchase not included, but can be purchased at cost. Additional podcast add-ons available at a discounted rate, per request, e.g. website images, video steaming, social media support, etc.