WebsiteEmailPaid (PPC)Search (SEO)AnalyticsDigital Marketing
Digital Marketing, PPC and SEO
Hacking the Matrix
SEMRush is an all-in-one tool suite for improving online visibility and discovering marketing insights. SEMRush tools and reports help us create key insights for you and allow us to deliver on the following services: SEO, PPC, SMM, Keyword Research, Competitive Research, PR, Content Marketing, Marketing Insights, and Campaign Management.
Case Study – KC Solar
- KC Solar sought marketing assistance with goals of increasing awareness and generating increased leads
- Client had no in-house marketing team and procured leads from third parties. Thus, no relationship with prospect
- Conducted an SEO audit as well as assessing competitors and prospect needs. Then established themes for regular blogs
- Developed paid ad campaigns to capture leads. Then created and executed a monthly email newsletter to provide consideration content and align with long sales cycle with client to outline and craft necessary site content and metadata
- Rebuilt the website, addressing content, design and technical items, to improve search as well as configure lead capture and conversion tracking
- Visibility – Moved KC Solar from position eight to second position in market. This is a measure of click-through rate and company’s ranking in Google’s Top 100 with their keywords
- Estimated Traffic – Website traffic shifted from people who knew company name and website url to more than half driven by solar panel solutions people were seeking
- Average Position – Moved from average position of page eight of Google search results to cusp of two. Work continues to achieve page one. (The average position is where the company and its products appeared on Google search rankings.)

SparKCade works collaboratively like no other agency in my career. They care little about taking credit for exceptional ideas or a job well done, but rather ensure the team as a whole is recognized for their efforts. They work tirelessly because of the passion for their work. But most of all, you can always count on them to go above and beyond with everything they do. And they always make it fun.
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CultivatED Marketer is a podcast focusing on the Midwest marketing communications community — and, more specifically, the professional development needs of that community. This community has traditionally been very strong over the past two to three decades.